Modern Slavery
Modern Slavery and Ethical Sourcing Policy
Vic Graders is committed to conducting business in an ethical and responsible manner. We recognize the global challenge of modern slavery and human trafficking and are dedicated to taking steps to ensure that these practices do not exist within our operations or supply chain. We believe that every worker involved in our operations and supply chain deserves fair treatment, dignity, and respect. This policy outlines our commitment to ethical sourcing and the steps we take to prevent and address modern slavery within our supply chain.
Policy Statement
Vic Graders is committed to eradicating modern slavery and human trafficking from our operations and supply chain. We have a zero tolerance policy for forced labour, child labour, debt bondage and any other form of exploitation. We are committed to ensuring that our suppliers adhere to ethical labour practices, uphold human rights, and comply with all applicable laws and regulations.
Supply Chain Mapping
Vic Graders will conduct a thorough mapping of our supply chain to identify all tiers of suppliers, both direct and indirect. This includes assessing the geographical locations and specific functions of suppliers to understand the potential risks of modern slavery in different regions and stages of the supply chain. In order to effectively map our supply chain we will:
-Identify key stakeholders
-Evaluate the labour practices, policies and procedures of stakeholders, the nature of work they engage in, their geographic location, and past incidents or allegations of modern slavery.
-Verify that stakeholders comply with relevant local and international laws and regulations related to labour rights. This includes minimum wage laws, working hour regulations, and other labour standards. Verify compliance with the Modern Slavery Act 2018 and collect Modern Slavery Statements.
– Check if the supplier holds certifications related to ethical labour practices. Certifications such as SA8000, Fair Trade, or membership in initiatives like the Ethical Trading Initiative (ETI) can indicate a commitment to ethical sourcing.
-Assess the transparency of stakeholders regarding their supply chain including transparency about their workforce, subcontractors, and recruitment practices.
Risk Assessments and Due Diligence
We will conduct risk assessments of our supply chain to identify high-risk areas and suppliers. This includes evaluating factors such as the nature of the work, geographical location, and prevailing labour practices. We will implement due diligence processes for vetting new suppliers and subcontractors to ensure compliance with ethical labour standards.
Supplier Engagement
Vic Graders will engage with suppliers to communicate our expectations regarding ethical and fair labour practices. We encourage our suppliers to obtain certifications related to social responsibility and ethical labour practices. We will promote transparency within our supply chain by encouraging suppliers to disclose information about their workforce, subcontractors, and recruitment practices.
Training and Awareness
Vic Graders will provide training to employees on recognizing and addressing modern slavery risks. We will raise awareness about the issue and foster a culture of ethical sourcing within our company and our supply chain.
Collaboration and Industry Initiatives
We will collaborate with industry associations, NGOs, and other stakeholders to share best practices and collectively address modern slavery risks. Vic Graders supports industry-wide initiatives focused on eradicating modern slavery in the construction supply chain.
Monitoring and Continuous Improvement
We will regularly monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of our efforts to combat modern slavery in our supply chain. Our supply chain mapping, risk assessments, and mitigation strategies will be reviewed and updated to reflect changes in our business environment and industry standards. We recognize that ongoing communication, training, and monitoring are essential for the successful implementation of our policy to mitigate the risks of modern slavery in our supply chain.
Compliance with Laws and Regulations
Vic Graders is committed to complying with all relevant laws and regulations related to combatting modern slavery.
Vic Graders is committed to operating in a socially responsible manner. We believe that by integrating ethical sourcing principles into our business operations, we can have a positive impact on our employees and the communities in which we operate.
Authorised By:
Luke Medley
20 March 2024