Social Responsibility

Social Responsibility

Corporate Social Responsibility Policy

At Vic Graders, we are committed to operating in a socially responsible manner. We understand that our actions have an impact on the environment and the communities in which we operate, and we strive to minimize any negative effects and maximize positive impact. This policy outlines our commitment to corporate social responsibility (CSR) and sets out the principles that guide our actions.

Our Commitment

Vic Graders is committed to:
– Complying with all relevant laws, regulations, and ethical standards
– Conducting our business in an environmentally responsible manner
– Respecting the rights of our employees, customers, and stakeholders
– Supporting the communities in which we operate

Environmental Responsibility

Vic Graders recognizes the importance of protecting the environment. We are committed to minimizing our environmental impact by:
– Adhering to all relevant environmental laws and regulations
– Implementing sustainable practices in our operations
– Minimizing our use of resources, including energy and water
– Encouraging our employees to adopt environmentally friendly practices

Respect for Human Rights

Vic Graders is committed to upholding the human rights of our employees and stakeholders. We believe that all individuals have the right to fair treatment and equal opportunities. We are committed to:
– Providing a safe and healthy workplace for our employees
– Respecting the rights of our employees to freedom of association and collective bargaining
– Ensuring that our suppliers and contractors uphold human rights standards
– Prohibiting the use of forced or child labor in our operations and supply chain

Community Engagement

Vic Graders recognizes that we are part of a larger community, and we are committed to supporting the communities in which we operate. We aim to:
– Engage with local communities and stakeholders to understand their needs and concerns
– Support community development initiatives that align with our values and business objectives
– Encourage our employees to volunteer and participate in community activities

Continuous Improvement

Vic Graders is committed to continuously improving our CSR performance. We will regularly review our policies and practices to ensure that they align with our values and business objectives. We will also measure and report on our CSR performance to demonstrate our commitment to transparency and accountability.


Vic Graders is committed to operating in a socially responsible manner. We believe that by integrating CSR principles into our business operations, we can have a positive impact on the environment, our employees, and the communities in which we operate.

Authorised By:

Luke Medley

20 March 2024